Clothing and accessories
The collection of aviation clothing and accessories consists of three parts:
1. Military uniforms: flight suits, official and ceremonial uniforms, military clothing. A special segment of this part of the collection are helmets, oxygen masks, as well as other accessories that enabled the pilot to fly more comfortably, rescue and navigate in space. This part of the collection includes flight clothing, which consists of the oldest examples of flight coats and hoods to the most modern overalls, official, formal and traveling clothes, which depict the historical development of uniforms from the period of the Kingdom of Serbia until today.
2. Civil aviation clothing with sub-segments - pilot clothing, flight crew and ground handling. This part of the collection contains some of the rarest examples of civil aviation clothing belonging to the first passenger airlines.
3. The last part of the collection is a set of all additional parts of related accessories and clothing, which contain a wide variety of hats, caps, ties, shoes, bags and insignia (military and civilian).

- Airplanes and helicopters
- Gliders and light aircraft
- Military aviation
- Civil Aviation
- Sports aviation
- NATO aggression
- Aircraft engines
- Aviation weapons
- Propellers and rotors
- Parachutes and equipment
- Training resources
- Clothing and accessories
- Equipment and tools
- Maquettes and models
- Photo library
- Aerial photographs
- Video and audio recordings
- Posters
- Art collection
- Philately