The success of the highly capable glider "Orao" led to the construction of the two-seater competition glider "Košava", intended for fast and long flights. It was also used as a transitional glider for high-performance single-seaters. Košava is a Yugoslav competition glider that was made in the "Ikarus" factory in Zemun. Four versions of this glider were constructed.

Košava is the most decorated Yugoslav glider. Almost all national records in the class of two-seater glider were broken with this glider, and the greatest success was achieved in 1954 at the World Championship in England, where Yugoslav gliders Božidar Komac and Zvonimir Rajin won first place.
In the "Ikarus" factory in Zemun, only two examples of this glider were made, and the Ikarus Košava 60 glider, which is on permanent display in the Aeronautical museum, is the only surviving example. It was decommissioned in 1966 and then given to the Museum. There is also the glider "Košava 2" in the depot of the museum, which was made of fiberglass in the factory "Jastreb" from Vršac.

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