KB-6 Matajur
The KB-6 Matajur aircraft is a light tourist-sports aircraft that was created as a result of the work of the construction team led by Dušan Cener. Production was started in 1953 in a small number of copies in the aircraft workshop "Letov". The first flight took place on June 4, 1952 at Brnik Airport in Ljubljana.
All versions of the Matajur could also be used for panoramic flying, towing gliders and parachute jumps. Although it was never used in the Yugoslav Air Force, six of them were registered in the military register, and all produced examples were used exclusively in the aero-clubs of the Aeronautical Association of Slovenia.

The only surviving example of the KB-6 Matajur aircraft is on display at the Aeronautical Museum's permanent exhibition. This plane was used in the Celje Aero Club, and it was added to the Museum's collection in 1968.
- Airplanes and helicopters
- Gliders and light aircraft
- Military aviation
- Civil Aviation
- Sports aviation
- NATO aggression
- Aircraft engines
- Aviation weapons
- Propellers and rotors
- Parachutes and equipment
- Training resources
- Clothing and accessories
- Equipment and tools
- Maquettes and models
- Photo library
- Aerial photographs
- Video and audio recordings
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