F-117 "Nighthawk"

F-117A "Nighthawk" is an American fighter plane with applied "stealth" technology (reduced radar visibility). The technology developed to deceive defense radar systems involves a combination of materials and the shape of the aircraft, which break up the radar signals and allow the aircraft to pass unnoticed to the target. It is intended for air-to-ground combat operations, as a tactical bomber.

He participated in combat operations in Panama, Iraq and in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. During the bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1999, by the action of the 3rd Missile Division of the 250th Missile Brigade of the Yugoslav
Air Defense, on March 27, an F-117 plane was shot down by the S-125 "Neva" missile system in the village of Buđanovci near Ruma. The Yugoslav Army is the first and only army in the world that officially managed to shoot down a "stealth" technology aircraft. The F-117 was withdrawn from service in 2008.