Polikarpov Po-2
The Po-2 is a Soviet biplane designed for pilot training, and was widely used in sports and agricultural aviation. It flew for the first time on January 7 in 1928, under the name U-2. It is known for its ease of production, maintenance and use. It was distinguished by the ability to take off and land on short runways.
It was used as an aircraft for the initial training of military pilots of the Red Army, as well as civilian pilots in aero-clubs. Because of its use in agriculture, it got the nickname "Kukuruznik". After the death of the designer Polikarpov in 1944, the name of the aircraft was changed to Polikarpov Po-2 in his honor. During World War II, it was used by the Soviet Air Force as a scout and light night bomber with female crews that enemy soldiers called "Night Witches".
Polikarpov Po-2 appeared in Yugoslavia for the first time in 1944, when the first four aircrafts were received. After 1945, Yugoslavia acquired a total of 120 exapmles of this aircraft. From 1951 until the end of the seventies, about 90 aircrafts of this type were used in the Aeronautical Association of Yugoslavia, which were withdrawn from use in the Yugoslav Air Force. There was also a salon version of the plane that Marshal Zhukov presented to Josip Broz Tito in October 1944.
In the collection of the Aeronautical Museum there are two examples of Po-2, one of which is on permanent display. The exhibited Po-2 (YU-CNT) in the Aeronautical Museum is the only preserved authentic example of this type of aircraft in Serbia, with the original engine. It was used for basic pilot training, as a seaplane, light reconnaissance plane, courier, medical and agricultural plane.

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