Gliders and light aircraft
The collection consists of a total of 42 aircrafts of various levels of completeness and condition:
- 28 gliders, of which 5 were incomplete or severely damaged. Eight gliders are on permanent display. The oldest glider is the Utva MJ-1 from 1938, of which about 40% of parts remain.
- 5 light aircraft, whereby a light aircraft is considered to have an empty weight of less than 450 kg. It follows from the definition that this collection includes mainly light sports aircraft and some unmanned aerial vehicles. All five aircraft are in the Aircraft Depot, they are largely complete, but require restoration to be suitable for exhibition condition. The time period in which the aircraft from the collection were in use ranges from 1935 to 1965.
- 4 balloons in different degrees of completeness. The collection includes balloons used from the First World War to today's modern balloons.
- 5 drones, two of which are on permanent exhibition. The aircraft were used in the period from 1950 to 1990.

- Airplanes and helicopters
- Gliders and light aircraft
- Military aviation
- Civil Aviation
- Sports aviation
- NATO aggression
- Aircraft engines
- Aviation weapons
- Propellers and rotors
- Parachutes and equipment
- Training resources
- Clothing and accessories
- Equipment and tools
- Maquettes and models
- Photo library
- Aerial photographs
- Video and audio recordings
- Posters
- Art collection
- Philately